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學員的話:Ho Enddy




這篇文章是我們 學員聚焦 的一部分,希望能透過學員的學習經驗分享,來鼓勵更多人加入數位音樂以及作曲、編曲的行列!如果你也對音樂充滿熱情,歡迎跟我們聯絡!我們會非常樂意協助你學習所需的 知識 與 技能



Enddy Ho 從小在巴拉圭長大,回台灣後才開始學習中文,對音樂創作充滿了熱情。Enddy 在上吉他課的時候就已經開始嘗試自己填詞寫曲,並且透過自彈自唱的方式來表現自己的音樂。開始接觸數位音樂後更是如同著了迷一般,每天跑到教室來問問題,而且幾乎每次上課也都會有新的作品。

以下為學員 Enddy 的學習心得分享 (^ー^)ノ

I faced countless teachers..

I think it’s been half years teacher wuli has spend time with me teaching me guitar, or some midi skill, or some audio working, m……i’m learning guitar for almost two years, many teachers taught me guitar, like before you know my teacher was Mr.Lai,and ……. before I even didn’t come to 永悅音 there was another teacher that taught me guitar, yah that time I was in paraguay but that don’t really matter, I faced countless teachers, I think teacher wuli is one of my most enthusiastic teacher I ever faced, many I really stuck on something he will do what ever he can to let me understand, many time I got problem he will give me suggestion and tell me what is the best way to fix it, and over those days we have a lot of fun learning guitar, I remember when i’m eight I actually hate guitar class, now I thought it isn’t that bad, and in this days a want to go, like in guitar class is still teaching the same thing but it just became a bit more interesting, and I think, wait not I think I know in the future there will be more and more student calling you teacher, yah hope you don’t have any pressure !!


讓學吉他的同時也能學習 “錄音” 與 “編曲”

也許你想要的更多,好奇的事也很多,只要是和音樂相關的想要都接觸看看? 來試試不一樣的學習方式吧!在這裏我們不只分享學習吉他的一些心得,同時也幫助你了解如何記錄自己的 音樂!


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