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2020 NAMM : Luna Recording System 重點整理

2020 NAMM Luna Recording System

2020 的 NAMM Show 上 Universal Audio 發布了最新的 Luna Recording System ( 即時錄音軟體 、編輯軟體 ),並且將免費提供給所有 Apollo 以及 Arrow 的用戶使用( 目前只提供 thunderbolt 介面以及 Mac 用戶 )。

Luna 是一套功能完備的錄音系統( 你也可以幫它當作一個 for 即時錄音的 DAW ),它完全依循 Universal Audio (下文簡稱 UA )的精神,採用全 Analog 模擬的製作環境,所有用戶曾經購買的 UAD Plug-ins 都可以在 Luna 裡面使用。並內置 Neve summing、Tape Emulation 以及全新的 Software based instruments!創造一個完全可以在電腦裡實踐的 類比錄音、製作系統。

在 LUNA Recording System 中沒有緩衝設定,所有的製作過程中會自行運算實現最小的延遲;也沒有 Playback Engine 更沒有 Driver 設定,當 UA 用戶打開 Luna 時,只需專注在錄音、以及製作音樂即可。

除了所有的 Thunderbolt Apollo 以及 Arrow 介面可以使用 Luna 以外,所有的 UAD 運算卡也同時支援 Luna 的連動使用。所有你所擁有的 UAD Plug-ins 都可在 Luna 裡面運作。

Fab Dupont 在 NAMM 現場展示借助加速監控功能,直接使用 UAD Plug-ins 實現零延遲的錄音體驗。

Luna Recording System UI

在混音視窗中,所有的 Track 都非常具有類比錄音控台的風格。
在所有的音軌都可以使用 Neve Summing 以及 Oxide Tape。

在全新的 Luna Recording System 中,整體的設計感還是非常有 UA 的 Console 的風格,一看就是大家熱愛的 Analog 介面,就連燈號都很有傳統控台的風味。

從橫軸的畫面( Time Line )上看來做左方的應該是 Bowser ,可以供用戶搜尋 UAD Plug-ins 進行掛載,依序往左應該是 Inspect Track 、 Track Head 、以及音量、Pan、Solo Mute 還有 Plug-ins 插槽( 基本上除了 Bowser 以外還蠻像 Pro Tools 的,看來 Pro Tools 皮要繃緊一點了… )。 

註:另外還有一項值得一提的是 Luna 沒有 Save. 選項,所有的工作都會即時自動儲存!用戶完全不需要擔心自己忘記存檔這件事。

Luna Recording System 主要特徵:

本 DAW 將於 2020 春季推出,目前公佈的資訊是全 Apollo thunderbolt 版本 以及 Arrow 介面都可以使用;但需要 iLok ? ( 既然都綁定 Apollo 跟 Arrow 了會什麼還要 iLok 呢?難道是想吃下其他市場!)。

多軌同時 盤帶錄音 即時模擬
內建的 Neve Summing 模擬
由 UA 所研發的 經典 Moog 合成器!

Universal Audio 官方新聞稿:

Universal Audio has introduced Luna Recording System, a full-featured music creation, recording, and analog-style production system shaped by over 60 years of analog audio exploration.

Luna transforms UA’s Apollo interfaces into a fully integrated recording system. Luna Recording System consists of a UA Thunderbolt-equipped audio interface, the Luna Application, Luna Extensions, and Luna Instruments.

Key Luna Recording System features include its deep Apollo interface integration, built-in Neve Summing, Multitrack Tape Emulation, and all-new Luna Instruments — UA’s long-awaited foray into software‑based instruments.

Deep Apollo Integration — Fast, Natural Workflow

Unlike traditional DAW software, Luna Recording System’s tight hardware-software integration allows quickly routing and recording audio through DSP-powered UAD plug-ins with no discernible latency via the new Accelerated Realtime Monitoring feature. Accelerated Realtime Monitoring is poised to be a major revelation for those unaccustomed to working on a $10k+ DSP-assisted recording system; music production will instantly seem more robust, dependable, and intuitive, without latency or monitoring hassles.

Built-In Neve Summing — Instant Classic Console Sound

Luna Recording System offers precisely emulated audio summing circuitry from the Neve 80-Series audio mixing consoles designed by Neve Electronics in the 1960s and early 1970s, featuring the harmonically rich sound of the Neve 1272 summing amplifier. Far beyond a “summing plug-in,” Neve Summing is a Luna Extension built-in to the fabric of Luna’s mixer — and can instantly transform a clean technical mix into a classic-sounding recording filled with energy and life.

Integrated Multitrack Tape — Warmth and Punch on Demand

Luna’s audio transport features integrated Multitrack Tape emulation via the included “Oxide” Luna Extension — providing sonic qualities commonly described by audio engineers as “warmth” and “cohesion” on every desired audio or instrument track. Luna Recording System users may choose to further explore various magnetic tape sounds with the optional Studer A800 Tape Recorder Extension (sold separately).

All-New Luna Instruments — Incredible Realism to Fuel Inspiration

Luna is further distinguished by all-new software-based Luna Instruments — bringing Universal Audio’s expertise in electrical and acoustic modeling, sampling, synthesis, and signal processing to virtual instruments for the first time ever. The resulting software instruments are ultra-realistic, responsive, and “alive” with inspiration.

At launch, available Luna Instruments will include:

Moog Minimoog — developed in partnership with Moog Music, the Moog Minimoog is an accurate emulation of the archetypal 1971 Moog synthesizer.

Ravel grand piano — a model of a Steinway Model B grand piano based on UA’s proprietary sampling, physical modeling, and new Ultra-Resonance technology — providing all the sonic nuance of this studio classic.

Shape — a complete creative toolkit with vintage keys, drums/percussion, guitar/bass, orchestral content, and realtime synthesis, courtesy of Universal Audio, Spitfire Audio, Orange Tree Samples, Loops de la Creme, and more — included free in Luna.

Luna will be available as a free download for Thunderbolt-equipped Apollo and Arrow audio interface owners for macOS systems and is shipping in Spring 2020. Luna is not compatible with Apollo FireWire or Apollo Twin USB.

2020 NAMM UA Live 直播


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